35th Anniversary

Back in 1989, Interfaith Food Bank was intended to be a short term, “temporary fix” for individuals in need to land back on their feet.  Since our inception, we have continued to see a rise in the number of clients accessing our services each year. We have learned social issues such as the exponentially increasing cost of living, generational poverty, medical/chronic illness, and systematic oppression can cause individuals to require support from our organization in the long term. After 35 years of operation one thing is clear – Interfaith Food Bank’s services will continue to be needed by our community.

We have set a goal to raise $35,000 in recognition of fighting hunger in the Lethbridge community for 35 years. Help us continue to be a sustainable support in the Lethbridge community for the next 35 + years.

All financial donations specified for the 35th Anniversary Campaign will be put into an Endowment Fund to ensure long-term sustainability for Interfaith Food Bank. To specify your donation, simply note on the subject line of your cheque, or with your donation.

Here are some ways you could help us reach our fundraising goal:

  • Make a one-time financial donation
    • 350 donations of $100 would help us reach our goal
  • Become a monthly supporter
    • 85 partners donating $35 monthly would help us reach our goal
  • Make a food donation
    • 350 donations of $100 would help us reach our goal