Fundraising Plan Submission

Unfortunately, many Lethbridge residents are not food secure and rely on help from community organizations and services to keep enough food on their tables. This may be due to any number of situations, including (but not limited to) under or unemployment, living on a fixed income (due to age or disability), dealing with social & mental health issues, and single-parenthood. The struggle to simply access sufficient food often leads to, or further inhibits the ability to deal with other challenges, creating a vicious circle.

It is our hope that by providing for this most basic of needs, vulnerable community members will be enabled to spend their time and energy on addressing the situations that led them to the one they find themselves in and move beyond them. Among other things, this may involve obtaining new or different employment, acquiring education, or more affordable housing.

Monthly, Interfaith Food Bank serves over 950 households, or 2000+ individuals, almost half of whom are children. Nationally, over one million Canadians access food banks each month.

Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge is committed to recognizing the human dignity of those in need and providing food and access to services and resources generated from within our community.

But we cannot do it alone, we need your help.

Decide What Type of Event YOU Want to Host!

Get creative, the options of events to host are endless! It could be a food drive, car show, community talent show, hockey game, or anything else you can imagine. There is no such thing as a bad idea!

Are you in need of some inspiration? Check the toggle below for even more ideas!

Pick a Place

Location is important! This about your target group, where they gather. Maybe it is your workplace, a school, or place of worship. Decide whether you want to invite other groups/ businesses to participate with you; they may have an easily accessible, high-traffic space available.

Set a Date

Decide whether your event should take place on a single day or over a span of a week or several weeks. One day events should have a specific and extraordinary draw to encourage donors to be involved (for example a benefit concert). Often extending the event timeframe will allow more donors to participate, thus increasing the donation total. Coinciding events with holidays or pre-existing festivals/activities will help you maximize exposure and provide partnership opportunities. 

Submit the Event to Interfaith

Scroll to submit your event to the Interfaith team using the quick and easy form below.


An Interfaith Staff Member will Contact You

Once the form is received by our team, one of our staff members will contact you to clarify your event’s details and needs. Based on our conversation we will evaluate what resources we can provide to help make the event a success! These resources could be donation bins, money tins, volunteers, or event promotion. 

We will communicate with you to ensure you have all the information and recourses needed for your event!


You will find more like-minded people who want to contribute to our community than you think – and support for organization and execution of your food drive will make things easier and probably more enjoyable for you. By sharing the hosting and organizing responsibilities you can maximize networks for spreading the word, and minimize the amount of work required by each person.

Location, Location, Location

Events to benefit Interfaith can fit into pretty much anything. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Your workplace
  • Your place of worship
  • Your school
  • Concerts
  • Sports games/tournaments
  • Community Spaces
  • Gala dinners
  • Door-to-door campaigns
  • Local stores (grocery/bank/neighborhood)

Make it a Competition

Who doesn’t love to compete? Turn your event into a competition, offering small (or large) prizes for the winning department or group!

Make it a Party!

If you are already planning an event – just piggy-back benefiting Interfaith onto that OR make your benefiting Interfaith the reason for the  party, after all, isn’t everyone always looking for  a good excuse? Ask your friends to bring donations for the food bank instead of gifts. If your party is a community event ask attendees to bring donations as an admission fee!

Even More Event Ideas:

  • Host a Walk-A-thon and get sponsors based on distance walked! This would be great for your heart in so many ways. 
  • Collect grocery gift cards! We use these cards to make food purchases. 
  • Clean out your home and have a Garage Sale to benefit Interfaith!
  • Borrow a money can to collect donations at your craft market stand.
  • Host a Food Drive! 

The options are endless… We can’t wait to hear your great idea! Submit using the form below and an Interfaith staff member will be in contact with you shortly.


After submitting the form below, an Interfaith staff member will reach out to confirm details of the event – including if you should require bins and the sizes we have available.

Contact Information

Event Information

if it is a one day event please enter the same date twice
Do you intend to collect donations? If so, what type?Please select all that apply.
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Maximum 5 files can be uploaded, should you have more email them to