The Interfaith Chinook Country Kitchen

Learn to eat healthy and budget meals

In 2005, we were pleased to announce the addition of The Interfaith Chinook Country Kitchen (TICCK), a program formed through a unique partnership with Family Centre. This community kitchen program provides free cooking sessions that are intended to teach healthy eating on a limited budget.  FREE two hour classes are offered Monday through Friday, guided by our Kitchen Coordinator.

An early childhood educator provides activities for children while parents cook in the kitchen.

In addition to these classes, kitchen staff provide information on nutrition, meal ideas and parenting tips as requested, as well as offer cooking programs for children. We also provide options to use our resources at your own facility in the form of mobile totes, and have workshops to train you how to facilitate our kitchen programs.

For more information or to book a class call our Kitchen Facilitator at 403-320-8138, or check out the Family Center Website

Big Chef Little Chef

This interactive program allows preschool-aged children (3-6) and caregivers to work together to create delicious snacks, as well as nurture fledgling kitchen skills and encourage a healthy interest in nutrition. It is a program that engages the whole child.

Kids in the Kitchen

This fun, interactive program will give caregivers and children the chance to cook together, while also allowing kids to gain independence in the kitchen, and provide nutrition education & parenting tips for caregivers. For children ages 7-11 with their caregivers.

Food Explorers is a 7-week program where children attend free 2-hour classes on Friday afternoons to learn to prepare healthy meals and snacks, with an emphasis on food safety, kitchen safety, and meal planning. Each class includes nutrition education, cooking, and games and activities which prepare participants to recreate their healthy eating experiences at home. Children try new foods, prepare several different recipes and use their new knowledge and skills to prepare a celebratory meal for their family or community.

Young Chefs Logo

Young Chefs

Combining education and fun, participants at Young Chefs learn to read recipes, gain a greater knowledge of nutrition, use kitchen implements (even BBQs!), create tasty treats – and have fun with other kids their age! For children ages 11-14.